Up and Coming Men’s Fashion Trends for 2012

We know this is too early, but the catwalks are already seeing 2012 lines spilling over on to them and there is no better time than now to get your head around what will be big in style next year. Once the summer is over, you should start to remodel your wardrobe, ready for the winter and ready for the New Year ahead.


Here are our favourite and most wearable trends that you can expect to see in 2012.

Colours – the colours you will be seeing next year will without a doubt be bright, think turquoise, orange and pink. Just a sprinkle of these colours or a whole outfit will work equally well; don’t be afraid to dabble with colour, the brighter the better.


Tropical colours such as these will be popular all year round even in the colder months, even the Hawaiian shirt is making a comeback and has been spotted in three major runway shows so far.

Gingham is also making an unexpected appearance in catwalk shows and anything that wouldn’t look out of place at a summer picnic should be snapped up and added to any trendsetters wardrobe. Linen and cotton fabrics should be embraced in forms of jackets, trousers and shirts.


For the more extravagant male fashionistas there are a few trends that should only be attempted if you’re very brave such as crop tops with jeans, lace and sheer fabrics and meggings, yes that’s right man leggings, a brilliant name if ever we heard one. These are all things we would normally associate with female fashion but as men become more fashion conscious it seems they are taking more noted from the girls books and stealing our style favourites.

Crop tops and meggings might seem a bit odd right now but after six months of them on the catwalks we are sure these things will be as common as the quilted jacket by 2012.